
【省錢購物】Farfetch折上8折倒數!多款Bao Bao現貨還折上折!

各大網站即時折扣資訊LINE@帳號(ID: @voo4407s@要打喔!)精簡發送,可以跟我通話,目前使用Telegram發送,折扣消息不漏接:)

小貓愛亂買臉書社團小貓。dear Rui Gallery粉絲團IG也歡迎來多按讚留言❤️

PS: 如果不太會網購的人,也可以找我們家小助理代購,小助理instagram (@mychic_diary_2)

📌【Farfetch折上8折倒數!多款Bao Bao現貨還折上折!】




你們敲碗的Bao Bao,跟我同款的Vivian Westwood項鍊、小包都有打折~一起來挖寶吧😘

May be an image of text that says "Extra 20% off sale Extra 20% sale Extra 20% sale"
May be an image of leather and text that says "Extra 20% off sale Extra 20% off sale Extra 20% off sale Bao Bao Issey Miyake Lucent Matte tote bag Bao Bao Issey Miyake Prism geometric-design tote pag Bao Bao Issey Miyake Prism tote bag"
May be an image of leather and text that says "Extra 20% sale Extra 20% off sale Extra 20% Extra20%fse off sale Bao Bao Issey Miyake Lucent geometric-pattern tote bag Bao Bao Issey Miyake Bao Bao tote bag Bao Bao Issey Miyake Prism tote bag"

📌【Farfetch折上8折倒數幾個小時!64折的Vivian Westwood😍
May be an image of 1 person and overcoat
May be an image of 1 person and leather
Vivienne Westwood Olympia pearl pendant necklace:有了珍珠點綴,增添女人味~


各大網站即時折扣資訊LINE@帳號(ID: @dearruigallery@要打喔!)精簡發送,可以跟我通話,目前使用Telegram(像是LINE的通訊軟體)發送,因為LINE@更改收費規則,改完後實在太貴~所以請大家去加我的Telegram好嗎?折扣消息不漏接:)
🔥新的Telegram頻道點這裡, 點進去後要按”JOIN CHANNEL”追蹤頻道,才會收到我的即時折扣資訊🌹
Telegram改成中文版設置點這裡➡️ https://t.me/setlanguage/taiwan


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