
【省錢購物】Shopbop 6折起+Canada Goose白標限量上架+Tod’s馬鞍包Bug價格+Sézane新品+Shopbop挖寶+Lululemon折扣

📌【美國高質感童裝Janie and Jack低至4折!】
May be an image of child, standing and indoor
No photo description available.
May be an image of high-heeled shoes
No photo description available.

🔹Rose同款RIVE GAUCHE帆布水桶包:相當於專櫃64折。
才剛開賣的RIVE GAUCHE水桶包就打85折!
May be an image of one or more people and text that says 'SIT LAURENT GAUCHE'
🔹 Ganni最紅的一件大領子白襯衫75折:這種天氣搭在毛衣裡把領子拉出來~就你最可愛😘😝
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✔紐約名媛Olivia Palermo同款派克外套75折:定價本來就便宜在打折,價格超好!
May be an image of 1 person, standing and sunglasses
May be an image of 1 person and sunglasses
PS1: 折扣區可以折上折!

JOANIE BODYSUIT:很耐看莫蘭迪藍色,正面看起來樸素,背面冷不防給個大露背,超適合約會穿在大衣裡面的呀(羞
May be an image of 2 people and people standing
PERLE JUMPER(開始缺碼啦):我愛的澎袖毛海上衣,袖子有珍珠點綴,整件給人一種溫柔的感覺
May be an image of 1 person and standing
JACOB JUMPER:琥珀扣微高領針織上衣,百搭基本款,扣子是可以開的喔~
May be an image of 1 person and standing
CHARLIZE JUMPER:義大利製!有50%羊毛,肯定保暖的一件
May be an image of 1 person and standing
PS1: 日本可直寄,台灣網友需要找轉運寄回台灣




May be an image of 2 people
May be an image of 2 people
May be an image of purse and saddle-stitched leather
May be an image of purse

May be an image of one or more people
PS:以下品牌不參加活動:Gucci、Burberry、Bottega Veneta、Saint Laurent、Alexander McQueen、Balenciaga、Stone Island / Stone Island SHADOW PROJECT、Loewe、Burberry、Loro Piana、Miu Miu、Prada、Valextra、Moncler、Jil Sander、ANN、Roger Vivier、Moncler Grenoble、Moncler Genius、Moncler/Rick Owens and SNEAKERS CLUB

看到這顆@TOD’S Mini embellished leather shoulder bag配色就愛了~
細節質感在線,容量也很夠,實測12 Pro Max可放~現在只要是可放手機就不是廢包😂
May be an image of 1 person and standing
這款@TOD’S Mini embellished leather shoulder bag可以從下圖看到
黑色網站寄台灣1880美金+稅,我覺得更美的咖啡色定價竟然是1432.45美,兩色光定價就差了447.55美(相當於省NT 12465!)

美國製Jennifer Behr Marcella珍珠耳環:仙氣飄飄的珍珠耳環~
May be a closeup of 1 person and jewelry
Luv Aj Pave Washer Hoops:來自LA品牌Luv Aj耳環,很多選品店都有進,打折後價格可愛~
May be an image of jewelry
May be an image of purse

May be an image of standing and activewear
lululemon Align™ High-Rise Short 8″:親膚的Align質地單車褲,當安全褲也沒毛病。
May be an image of 1 person, standing, activewear and text
lululemon Align™ Jogger 28″:拿來當居家休閒褲超好穿~
May be an image of one or more people, people standing and footwear

📌【Canada Goose 白標~溫柔新色!】

✅Canada Goose男款

May be an image of 2 people and people standing

May be an image of one or more people, people standing and footwear

PS: 關稅收貨收,抓17%。

📌【官網不打折的Tory Burch款直接免運+7折!】
Tory Burch官網不折扣的款現在輸入折扣碼直接打7折加免運(原本寄台灣運費35美金),這樣一下又省了不少哩~Eleanor包款復古的顏色配上金色五金,真的又美又氣質,適合秋冬穿搭!
May be an image of purse and saddle-stitched leather
May be an image of purse
May be an image of purse
May be an image of saddle-stitched leather and purse
PS: 關稅預收到貨不多收很方便!



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